Friday, August 26, 2011

August 26 - The Hurricane Cometh

Hurricane Irene is it on its way to the east coast of the United States, so I wanted to take a few minutes to wish all my friends good luck through the storm.  So.  Good luck yo.

Anyway, have any of you been through any particularly interesting storms?  Years ago (and I don't feel like looking up the date) I went through a Super Typhoon.  Paka was the name, I lived on Guam at the time.  Damage didn't seem too severe at the time, but then again, I was pretty young.  I lived on the airforce base.  The housing was basically bomb shelters.  They all looked the same, concrete rectangles.  Not particularly water tight.  I spent the night helping my family mop as the wind blew water into the house.

Share some storm stories!


  1. Haven't been in anything too notable besides really huge blizzards. Hopefully this one doesnt get too ugly! +followed

  2. I was in a hurricane near cancun like a hundred years ago when Isidoro was striking. It's kind of scary.

  3. Only a pretty bad flood back in the 90's

  4. Good thing nothing that bad happen

  5. All the serious storms miss my area and we don't even have any hurricane-strong ones in Poland.

  6. Uuuuh...define interesting storms first..

  7. 1st the earthquake and now this... whats next a comet?

  8. glad to be living in michigan...

  9. I haven't got anything from the storm :( not even rain, grr.

  10. hurricane came and caused no damage to my stuff. i got so lucky

  11. That hurrican wasn't even that bad over here
