Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August 16

I read an article today about the Starbucks CEO calling on other businesses to stop contributing to political campaigns and to start creating jobs.  Makes me think that either he, or Warren Buffett, is planning on running for office.  What is with these displays of public awareness and altruism that are suddenly in the news?  I like the ideal as much as the next guy, but is this anything more than publicity?

First off, when I think Starbucks, I don't think of a company that particularly cares about helping people.  $4 cups of coffee and dry muffins.  Secondly, why is it that my first instinct with Starbucks is, "put up or shut up" when my first instinct was just the opposite with Buffett?

I guess when it comes down to it, Buffett's stance makes perfect sense.  If this country collapses, his money is gone too.  Raising taxes, even on himself, is more of an investment in the long term.  Starbucks' stance however simply strikes me as a stunt.  They spend less on politics, they have less clout.  They hire more workers, they spend more money.  Where is the benefit, besides the publicity?

What do you guys think?  Am I being too cynical here?  Will other companies heed the call to spend more on employment and less on political campaigns?  Are you more or less likely to drink Starbucks after learning about this?  What is your favorite Starbucks drink?  Do you even like coffee?  What's wrong with you that you don't like coffee? 


  1. I enjoy a fresh cup of Joe in the morning @ the office (straight black btw I don't add anything) but there's no way in hell I'd pay $4 for a cup when you can get a phatty bag of grounds for less than $5 which will give u 50 cups lol

  2. From my understanding Buffett actually cares about helping others and supporting his country so I think his intentions are in the right place.

  3. They need to stop GE doesn't pay any taxes but takes jobs away from america because our taxes are to high? makes no sense

  4. All I pray is that Starbucks crumbles to the floor. I hate that company and the crowd it pulls in. Bunch of scene toolbags trying to be "ironic".

  5. i think they don't want what happened in london and the lybia, etc to happen in the us. those fucks have had it swell for way too long....

  6. It's in self interest, if people don't have jobs to buy product, then they are screwed as well. Maybe some corp types are realizing that. Buffett made his money in insurance so I don't understand that since it's the second biggest racket, being a politician being number 1 of course. Ramble.

  7. I used to get some kind of mint chocolate chip drink at Starbucks, never really got into going there regularly.

  8. Probably best to be suspicious of starbucks, you're right.

  9. i am a dunkin doughnuts person, i do not support anyone who supports starbucks they are a conglomerate and needs to be stopped

  10. Warren Buffet was always a conscientious, understanding man, and despite his brilliant business sense he remains pretty morally upright.

    I think his heart's in the right place.
